Sept. 21st 2015
We are happy to announce the upcoming meeting completely dedicated to persistent identifiers!
Persistent Identifiers
Enabling Services for Data Intensive Research
The event will be a side meeting of the 6th RDA Plenary in Paris and is jointly organised by DataCite and ePIC.
- The presentations of the meeting are available here:
- The questions and answers gathered during the meeting are here:
And a nice summary of the meeting written by Trisha Cruse is published on the DataCite blog:
Session 1: Persistent Identifiers for interoperability and services
- 13:00-13:15 Geoff Bilder (CrossRef)
- 13:15-13:30 Martin Fenner (DataCite)
- 13:30-13:45 Ulrich Schwardmann (ePIC)
- 13:45-14:00 Larry Lannom (DONA)
- 14:00-14:15 John Kunze (ARK, N2T)
- 14:15-14:30 Laura Paglione (ORCID)
- 14:30-14:45 Anila Angjeli (ISNI)
- 14:45-15:15 Roundtable moderated by Trisha Cruse (DataCite)
- 15:15-15:45 Coffee break
Session 2: Supporting Data Intensive Research
- 15:45-16:00 Tobias Weigel (DKRZ)
- 16:00-16:15 Anne Cambon-Thomsen (BRIF)
- 16:15-16:30 Kerstin Lehnert (IGSN)
- 16:30-16:45 Peter Wittenburg (EUDAT)
- 16:45-17:00 Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen (THOR)
- 17:00-17:15 Jennifer Lin (Making Data Count)
- 17:15-17:45 Roundtable moderated by Christophe Blanchi (DONA)
- 17:45-18:00 Wrap-up
- 18:00 Reception [UPMC, Tour Zamansky, Salle Panoramique]
Registration (free):
21.9.2015, 13:00 – 18:00 CET
Location: (
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris Cedex 05
The program will be published here soon! So please save the date and join the forces to establish persistent identifiers in the world wide research data management.
About the organisers:
ePIC is a consortium of European partners that provides an identifier system for the research community. Its focus is the registration of data with persistent identifiers:
ePIC is setup as a highly reliable, persistent and high performance services through a network of strong data centers that have implemented a redundancy scheme and share the same service, the same API and the same framework of policies. |
DataCite brings together stakeholders from research communtities to address the challenges of making research objects visible and accessible. Together we constitute a global network of dataset researchers. Through collaboration we: